
From Chiropractic services to Reiki, we’ve got your whole body wellness in mind.


Acupuncture treatments involve the insertion of tiny needles just below the skin, placed in very specific points to generate energies and connections throughout the body. This activates responses in your body’s immune, circulatory, nervous, and endocrine systems, which helps the body heal naturally. For most patients, acupuncture is a painless, comforting, and restorative form of therapy. Acupuncture should never be painful, but you may have some sensations that are indicative of a therapeutic response.


Chiropractic care uses a hands-on approach to activate the body’s natural healing abilities for pain and symptoms. If there is an interference to the structure of the body (spine, muscles and nerves), this will cause a decrease in function and cause pain, lack of mobility, fatigue and inability to participate in everyday activities. Treatment may include, but not limited to, spinal adjustments, soft tissue work, and postural correction.


Cupping therapy involves placing special suction cups on the skin in areas of increased muscle tension and inflammation. The suction of the cups helps to release inflammation and toxins from deeper within the muscles and soft tissue. Cupping helps to decrease pain, inflammation and muscle tension within the body. Time of session will depend if combining with other services.


Massage therapy is another ancient healing modality that involves evaluation of the muscle and soft tissue imbalances in the body. Muscle and soft tissue (tendons, ligaments and fascia) imbalances can cause tension, pain, inflammation and lack of mobility/flexibility in the body. Massage therapy has many benefits, including promotion of calm and relaxation, decreasing muscle aches and tension, increasing circulation and improving flexibility.


Reiki is a form of energy healing. Previous and current physical, mental and emotional trauma to the body can cause energy to remain stagnant or “stuck”. Reiki therapy helps to remove this “stuck” energy to improve energy flow within the body, promote relaxation, relieve pain and increase healing capabilities within the body. The current form of Reiki was developed in 1922, however Reiki has been practiced for over 2,500 years.


Conscious Wellness offers good quality, organic Elderberry syrup and CBD products. These products are a great addendum to any holistic wellness plan. The doctor can advise what is best based on each individual’s needs.

What our customers say

“I was suffering from debilitating headaches a few times a month and nothing was helping even take the edge off. My regular doctor recommended acupuncture. I haven’t gotten a single headache since my first session (which was months ago). Dr. Julie was so knowledgeable and helpful and I was extremely impressed. She’s amazing at what she’s doing and I will always recommend her to anyone who is suffering like I was. Getting acupuncture has literally CHANGED my life.”  – Kailie